Need for Speed Porsche Unleashed Car and Track installation Tutorial

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  1. Download the file

Download the desired file by clicking on the download button. A window will open asking what to do with the file. Select "save to disk" and choose a temporary directiory on your hard drive.

  1. Unzip the file

Almost all the tracks and cars are zipped. That means they are compressed with a program called WinZip. If you don't have, then you should download it from here. Double click on the file to open it.

  1. Read the readme.txt file

A lot of files have a readme.txt file included. You should view this file (with notepad) because in this file all the instructions for installation are written. In some files the readme file is named differently. In that case just view the .txt files that are present

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There are two options: - the zip file has a setup.exe or install.bat present - there is not setup.exe or install.bat

    1. Setup.exe or install.bat present

You'll have to unzip all the files to a temporary dir somewhere on your hard drive. After unzipping go to that folder and double click the setup.exe file. This will install all the car to your game. After the car is installed you can delete the temporary directory. Setup doesn't work: It is possible that the setup will not install the car. Go to step 3.1.2 to install the car then. The setup doesn't work with pirated copies of NFSPU.

    1. No setup, no txt files

You'll have to unzip the files manually to the game dir. First of all find the Need for Speed Porsche dir on your hard drive. Then unzip (extract) the files like this:

If the downloaded file is a car: - extract the *.fsh (except the finallogos.fsh), *.tpg and the *.crp files to the NFSPU\GameData\ directory, where the NFSPU is the directory of the game (*.fsh is the extension of the file, ex.: 996.fsh) - extract the *.sim files to the NFSPU\GameData\Simulation\CarData directory - extract the finallogos.fsh to the NFSPU\FeData\Art directory - and extract the *.sav file to the NFSPU\SaveData directory

if the downloaded file is a track: There are a few problems if the track hasn't got the readme file, because there can be two *.fsh files present - if two *.fsh files are present, then extract the larger file to the NFSPU\GameData\Tracks directory and the smaller to the NFSPU\GameData\Tracks\Sky directory - extract the *.bin and *.txt files (if present) to the NFSPU\GameData\Tracks\Sky directory important note: for the downloaded tracks to work you need to have the tracks installed. If the Track directory is empty, you'll have to reinstall the game with tracks.

  1. Play the game

If you downloaded a track, this means you have overwritten an existing track. To drive on the track you've downloaded just select the track you've overwritten.

If you downloaded a car there are two choices: - the downloaded car has overwritten an existing one. To race with the downloaded car just choose the one that was overwritten. - you got a separate savegame which includes the downloaded car. In order to race with the car you'll have to choose the new profile when you start the game.

  1. Restore the overwritten car/track

If the downloaded car/track has overwritten the existing car/track and you want to restore the original, just copy the file that was overwritten from the NFSPU cd to your NFSPU on your hard drive. For copying files use the same procedure as for installing.

If you've done everything according to these instruction, the downloaded car/track should work.

Don't hold me responsible if something goes wrong.

If it still doesn't work, then use our discussion board to get additional help.

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